Online Gallery Note card sets PreviousCraig Ragsdale + Curate Art & Interiors Custom Art Candles NextGold Carolina Wren Print Block Note card sets Note card sets $20.00 My note card sets contain six 4.25x5.5” folded note cards and envelopes. Note cards are blank inside and the full set has the same artwork image on the front. Design: Select Design Iridescent PalmBig Red (cardinal)Carolina WrenBlue Ridge SunsetEgrets' RoostWatching Over You (cardinal)Bright Eyes (owl)Parkway SunsetPastel PeaksBlue Ridge GradientFoothills Sunflowers Iridescent Palm Big Red (cardinal) Carolina Wren Blue Ridge Sunset Egrets' Roost Watching Over You (cardinal) Bright Eyes (owl) Parkway Sunset Pastel Peaks Blue Ridge Gradient Foothills Sunflowers Quantity: Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr