Craig Ragsdale Studio

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Flying Into Fall

In Flight

In Flight is a new series of bird paintings I’ve been working on recently in the studio. Inspiration comes from many sources and this series is inspired by native birds from across the Palmetto State. Several of the paintings in this series have metal leafing, a new technique I’m excited about.

First Fridays @ GCCA

Join me for First Friday this coming Friday, September 3rd from 6-9 PM to check out my latest work and works in progress in the studio. First Fridays are the best way to see inside many working studios like mine.

Upcoming Shows & Events

In addition to First Fridays, I’m excited to be participating in several shows this fall. The Artist Next Door on October 3rd is a great outdoor event with many local artists. I’ll also be sharing details soon about a solo show. For a list of places and dates of upcoming shows like these, visit my website for a list of shows and events.

Visit my website